Само няколко часа, след като Гери ми споделяше, че призванието и е да създава стойност за хората и света, а приходите са само страничен ефект...точно същото нещо казва и Джеф Уинър - CEO на LinkedIn. Перфектна синхроничност.
“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” It is funny how some words carry the meaning all along, and we don't see it, or don't see it all, or don't see it rightly... Because "it is only with the heart that one can see rightly", right? :-) While yet, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"... And yet, at other funny times, it only takes a different perspective to look at things - or simply read the word sdrawkcab<- so as to get it all... :-) ~ ЭvoL(o)vE ~ Through the (mirror) reflection of Love, we Evolve! Yes, we do! Big time! Because it is through the mirroring reflection of the others that we see ourselves. It is through the others that we get to know who we are. Inspired by Wendy Watkins' How does your integrity (or lack of it) affect success? So I thought: what would my definition of integrity be? And so the words, and the structures, and the images came in... Integrity is the projection of one’s authenticity. This is what others see in us when we are being authentic – when we think, speak and act from a place of authenticity and when by doing so, we feel whole and happy. It’s also when, being aware of who we are, we manifest it in the world around us, and we feel just fine thus expressing ourselves. Integrity is like a structure - a stable, solid, sound structure of One’s Self. A structure that I like to refer to as the “sacred triangle” of body, mind and spirit, at the heart of which is… the heart. These represent the physical (body), intellectual (mind), spiritual (spirit / higher Self) and emotional (heart) aspects of us as whole persons. If we ‘break’ the “sacred triangle”, by compromising any of its sides (one doesn't equal the others), we lose our integrity and feel ‘less whole’. В една скорошна статия на McKinsey Quartely Сузи Кранстън и Скот Келър въвеждат нов термин (MQ - Meaning Quotient), който естествено надгражда познатите IQ и EQ и тяхната роля в бизнеса. От McKinsey изследват кои са факторите, които помагат на хората да са в "зоната", и систематично да достигат до върховни резултати. Кои са трамплините, които им помагат да надскочат себе си. Тези фактори най-общо попадат в три категории, към които се отнасят различни инструменти за развитие. Many people achieve the goals they've set for themselves, and yet they still do not feel fulfilled. Why is that? I remember a couple of years ago my partner suggested we set goals for the following year (both personal and professional goals). I was amazed at how I even didn't want to think of setting goals, let alone actually set any. I remember I had this image of limiting myself and feeling pressured. So, instead of setting goals, I set this image, feelings and thoughts aside, stored the topic in my brain – for further observation and clarity... …and something actually did come out of it. Remember the Three Reasons Why People Are Resistant To Setting Personal Goals? Well, this one might be taken as a continuation to the latter, but I'd like to think of it rather as the foundation, the core... at least in terms of where I'm coming from in my reasoning and writing. Again, I don't claim to be right or wrong, nor am I trying to convince you of anything. My pure intention is just to share my observations and insights and to rationalise my own experience, so as to get to a deeper sense of awareness. Enjoy! :-) Джеймс Колдуел, преподавател в MBA програмата на City University of Seattle, един ден ми сподели, че ако човек наистина иска да започне да разбира от нещо - трябва да започне да го преподава. Често се сещам за тази мисъл и през последните дни, след няколкото обучения в коучинг умения, които направихме с Гери, си припомням колко е вярно това. Вътрешната динамика, през която преминаваме, докато представяаме, упражняваме и подкрепяме развитието на тези коучинг умения у клиентите, всъщност прекарва нас самите по стъпалата до несъзнателната компетентност. Вече не си представям, че тя може да се достигне само с четене, обучение и практика. Преподаването наистина разкрива пълната палитра от нюанси във всяко едно умение, като го пречупва през призмата на индивидуалната опитност, ценности и нагласи на всеки участник в обучението. |
July 2024